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ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

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Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Featured Product Archive - 21

Artech HouseCambridge University PressEach week, I select a new book that is relevant to engineers, scientists, students, hobbyists or managers. Most of the time they are sold through Amazon (I earn a few pennies on each sale), but when possible, I present books that are available in an e-book format that can be downloaded for free. The latter are much less available. After all, most people like to be paid for their work, as I'm certain that you do, too.

Note: I just began archiving these picks in May of 2009, but they have been going on since about 2003.

Archive Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

The Official Arduino Starter Kit

The Official Arduino Starter Kit - RF CafeDon't let not knowing how to pronounce "Arduino" (click for audio) keep you from joining in on an immensely popular hobby / professional opportunity (Tip: the word is Italian, so you need to make that circle with thumb and forefinger when saying "Arduino," like a chef does when talking about a delicacy). Many books and videos have been produced to help you get started - for less than $80. The Official Arduino Starter Kit walks you through the basics of using the Arduino in a hands-on way. You'll learn through building several creative projects. The kit includes a selection of the most common and useful electronic components with a 170-page book of 15 projects. Starting the basics of electronics, to more complex projects, the kit will help you control the physical world with sensor and actuators ...


Spectrum and Network Measurements

Spectrum and Network Measurements - RF CafeKeysight Technologies was kind enough to provide me with a copy of Spectrum and Network Measurements, by Robert A. Witte (SciTech Publishing). Its contents will soon be the subject of an RF Cafe Quiz. "This new edition of Spectrum and Network Measurements enables readers to understand the basic theory, relate it to measured results, and apply it when creating new designs. This comprehensive treatment of frequency domain measurements successfully consolidates all the pertinent theory into one text. It covers the theory and practice of spectrum and network measurements in electronic systems. It also provides thorough coverage of Fourier analysis, transmission lines, intermodulation distortion, signal-to-noise ratio and S-parameters ..."


Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe
Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe
