Unruly Airline Passenger Duct-Taped to Seat

Drunken Airpline Passenger Duct Taped to Seat - RF CafeDrunken Airpline Passenger Duct Taped to Seat - RF CafeHow many times have you been flying to/from a business trip and wanted to do this to the person sitting next to you (and get away with it)?? "A drunken passenger on a New York-bound flight from Iceland was duct-taped to his seat by fellow passengers after attacking one woman, spitting on other passengers and screaming the plane was going to crash. A friend of one of the observing passengers, Andy Ellwood of New York, posted a picture of the subdued flyer to his Tumblr with an account of the incident. The 'passenger drank all of his duty free liquor on the flight from Iceland to JFK yesterday,' Ellwood wrote." Who just happens to have a roll of duct tape on an airplane? Was Red Green on the flight?

Posted January 2013