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RF Cafe Press Release  6/14/2006

For public release June 14, 2006

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook™ v5.0 Released

   Download this news release in Microsoft Word format  DOC File

RF Cafe is offering a free downloadable engineering calculator. RF Calculator Workbook v5.0 is written in Microsoft Excel format and contains many calculators for commonly needed topics in RF, microwave, wireless and radar engineering. “T” and “Pi” attenuators, radar blind speed, path loss, propagation time, rectangular cavity resonance, and filter responses are just a few of what is included. New calculators are added regularly.

Please follow this link to download the file. RF Cafe Calculator Workbook

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Kirt Blattenberger
RF Cafe Website
2924 W. 42nd Street
Erie, PA  16506
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RF Cafe Website

Click here to download the 649x557 pixel PNG file for news release publication

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